Half life deathmatch map
Half life deathmatch map

half life deathmatch map

While Combine balls are normally a liability in most maps, due to the fact they can simply be caught and shot right back at you, the cramped quarters of the map will ensure that nearly every one you fire will hit the target. Much like the ammo cases from the single player game, the case here will dispense an unlimited number of combine balls for you to use and, more importantly, abuse against the other players in the level. The essential strategy behind Steamlab lies in controlling the Combine ball ammo case. While these environmental hazards would be enough to stop even the most light footed of players, the overabundance of props to throw, weapons to collect, and ammo to stock pile, anyone with a collecting fetish is bound to feel good all over� if they survive the enemy�s gunfire that is. During this time, explosive gas will pour into the area and quickly detonate thereafter. For the unfamiliar, these traps can be triggered by pressing your use key in front of any red valve wheel. In addition to the confined combat, you�ll also have to deal with numerous steam traps that exist throughout the map. Compared to previous level, where a good two to three central atriums exist to centralize combat, Steamlab stretches about in a maze of windy corridors that will assure a quick dead to anyone who runs about them haphazardly. A remake of the popular datacore map from the original HLDM, Steamlab provides the epitome of close quarters combat for the HL2DM stock maps.

Half life deathmatch map